Our core values
Our core values
Our core values are our guidelines, our soul.
1. Quality, security, relation and satisfaction
Our mission is to provide customers with quality and security - both in the relationship, execution and final results. We accomplish this by having the knowledge, skills, creativity and cooperation to ensure what is in the client's best interest. We strive to incorporate joy, meaning and satisfaction in this approach.
We are each and everyone an ambassador for our brand.
2. One team - One mission
We strive and nurture partnerships, cooperation and community.
Whatever the role, title, experience or skills, we are one team, with one mission statement. We should strive to be attentive to the opinions, criticism, ideas and suggestions on how we can develop and improve, and how to realize the company's mission.
3. Integrity, responsibility & exceeding expectations
Be true, honest and sincere. Be congruent in thought, word and action. We act with integrity, truth and respect. Each one takes responsibility for their own actions and joint team action. We keep promises and commitments. We strive to build a reputation that exceed expectations. We create trust and security, only accepting assignments that we have competence for, and implements the assignment with total accountability.
4. Excel in delivery and relation
We have an unwavering focus, that with knowledge, experience and expertise, we can be excellent in everything we do and we deliver the highest possible quality. Act quickly and efficiently, without delay.
5. Focusing on solutions
All problems and setbacks have one or more solutions. Problems and misfortunes are only challenges on the road to success. We are creative and flexible in seeking solutions and seek help and support when needed.
6. Care and contribution
We promote peace, care and community. We care about our fellow human beings and endeavors to serve, give and make a difference. Be human and compassionate. Provide encouragement and praise. We strive to, if possible, give more than what can be expected.
7. Development to full potential
We strive to continually improve our selves through continuous growth and learning, to thus be able to give more to others. Accknowledge other people's knowledge, skills and greatness. Strive to support one another through sincere appreciation and recognition of each other's gifts and actions. Appreciate and learn from each individual's unique characteristics. Our culture is free from discrimination.
8. Embrace creativity and innovation
Take advantage of opportunities that arise. Strive to find new opportunities for business and development, and contribute to the business mission. Expect and embrace the positive changes.
9. Open and clear communication
Always strive to have an open and clear communication that cannot be misunderstood. Put yourself in the recipient's / customer's perspective. Consider the recipient's possible interpretation. Safeguard the personality and integrity of the recipient. This consideration promotes understanding, new opportunities, problem solving and positivity.
10. Ensure sustainability in everything we do
Make decisions with sustainability in mind; relationships, business practices, energy, health, well-being. Everything we say, do and think has consequences in time and place, for us and others. Strive to be able to contribute more, with less labor and effort. Make sure that what we deliver is permanent and sustainable.